Deleting Trauma Remote Session
Imagine someone else working on your energy body for an hour and feeling sensations in your body as the trauma is remotely reprogrammed in your system.
You can be doing anything in your day or you can choose to lay down for the time of the session. Since I'm working on the energy body, the work will be effective no matter what you are doing.
When I run this energy through your body, it does not just "release" the trauma energy. I literally see the energy reprogramming the cellular body so that you can have a completely different experience where this energy was sitting.
As the trauma dissolves and frees up energy in your system, you may have memories, realizations and even ideas that were frozen in the trauma and unable to be accesses.
As in, each piece of trauma stuck in the body will govern your emotions and actions. It is echoing the program that is currently there. When I reprogram the trauma, it changes the energetic pattern to be an ideal energy for that part of your system to shine out. This will cause you to feel differently. It will also cause a new way of perceiving things which will lead to new decisions.
Therefore, by reprogramming the trauma, you will be able to have new perceptions and perspectives on your situations and direction in life.
These sessions are 1 hour and are recommended for those who:
* are experiencing deep depression
* know you've experienced trauma
* are wanting to have a breakthrough in life but feel stuck
* feel an abyss in their emotions
Contact me if you would like me to focus the energy onto one main event or area of your body.
These sessions are ideal to be done before a single session on trauma, but are not a necessary requirement to have before an energy session. They do help release some of the programming so it is easier to access the crux of the trauma and shift it in an energy session.
There are 3 options to receive a Remote Trauma Deletion.
Option 1: $100
Membership Group: I do Group Remote transmissions for the members of my group at least 2 to 3 times a month. You can join and receive these transmissions as well as all of the recordings I do in there.
You can be doing anything in your day or you can choose to lay down for the time of the session. Since I'm working on the energy body, the work will be effective no matter what you are doing.
When I run this energy through your body, it does not just "release" the trauma energy. I literally see the energy reprogramming the cellular body so that you can have a completely different experience where this energy was sitting.
As the trauma dissolves and frees up energy in your system, you may have memories, realizations and even ideas that were frozen in the trauma and unable to be accesses.
As in, each piece of trauma stuck in the body will govern your emotions and actions. It is echoing the program that is currently there. When I reprogram the trauma, it changes the energetic pattern to be an ideal energy for that part of your system to shine out. This will cause you to feel differently. It will also cause a new way of perceiving things which will lead to new decisions.
Therefore, by reprogramming the trauma, you will be able to have new perceptions and perspectives on your situations and direction in life.
These sessions are 1 hour and are recommended for those who:
* are experiencing deep depression
* know you've experienced trauma
* are wanting to have a breakthrough in life but feel stuck
* feel an abyss in their emotions
Contact me if you would like me to focus the energy onto one main event or area of your body.
These sessions are ideal to be done before a single session on trauma, but are not a necessary requirement to have before an energy session. They do help release some of the programming so it is easier to access the crux of the trauma and shift it in an energy session.
There are 3 options to receive a Remote Trauma Deletion.
Option 1: $100
Membership Group: I do Group Remote transmissions for the members of my group at least 2 to 3 times a month. You can join and receive these transmissions as well as all of the recordings I do in there.
Option 2: $50
Join in the next Group Remote transmission session.
(This is where I send energy to everyone participating at the same time)
You can email me to find out when the next session is or follow me on social media. I do at least 1 group transmission per week.
Option 3: $500
Schedule an individual Remote session where I work on ONLY your energetic system. In this option you can choose a specific situation, or trauma response. You could also choose to delete Karma, fear, money issues, anxiety, depression, addiction, etc.
Advanced Option: Zoom Call - Energy Session
You can have a deeper trauma removal experience by doing a deep-level, energy session with me. These sessions will get to the programming of why your system registered it as trauma, heal the trauma and restructure the system into harmony. You can choose a single session or a package depending on how much you are wanting to work through.