Your healing is held with the utmost respect. The first step that I teach is being gentle with yourself. Healing comes when the issue is tended and acknowledged. The "modern" system of making your issue wrong and trying to "fix" it only makes it more difficult to get where you desire to be. The whole experience of going to the doctor's office is harsh. Here, I create a safe container where you can be all of you and we can truly look at the issues that you are not wanting in your body or life to get you onto the path of healing. Shifting your life experience should be a joyful experience. I create a safe place for my clients to open and experience the power of working on your energy body. I love teaching spiritual concepts and guiding my clients through the process of understanding their energy patterns. That which holds us back is a part of us that we can choose to release. It is an honor to accompany you on this path. |