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- Revive - Healing Feminine Trauma
Revive - Healing Feminine Trauma
What you Receive:
Each class will include Training + meditation/energy tool
Class 1 - The trauma of being disregarded
Class 2 - The trauma of rejection and abandonment
Class 3 - The trauma of loss and grief
Class 4 - Sexual trauma
Class 5 - The trauma of violation and disrespect
Class 6 - The trauma of receiving
Class 7 - The shame of being sensual
Class 8 - The guilt of doing something wrong
You are not alone in your experiences and limitations caused by trauma. So many people are stuck feeling things they don't want to feel and reacting to situations in ways that are not helpful to really get them what they desire.
Trauma creates blobs of energy that is stuck in our bodies creating behavioral patterns that keep repeating, and even worse, make you feel heavy or emotional.
Modalities like EFT tapping and EMDR can be helpful, but only remove small bits of energy at a time. As a healer, I wanted something that would cause massive results in a short period of time and I found it!
Yes, the emotions from the traumas that happened are valid. But, .....
What if there isn't much of a reason to go through the details of the trauma, or even bring it up? (Some traumas we'd rather forget)
When you get into the details of the traumatic event, you stay in the mind. The mind keeps you from really getting to the roots of the energy.
What I've been noticing in myself, clients and friends lately is that very much like the frog in hot water analogy, most people don't realize how much trauma they are carrying around and what it could possibly feel like to have it lifted off of them.
The only way I can truly understand what it is like to have the trauma removed, is just by the comparison of what I feel like afterwards. It feels lighter emotionally, life feels like life has more possibility and then amazing things do end up happening, I can see through a new lens therefore respond differently, I don't trigger at a fraction of the things I used to trigger about and I feel like I have more room inside of myself.
Trauma freezes the system. No matter what your trauma response is (fight, flight, freeze or fawn) the energy body is still frozen. In fact, since I've been doing this practice, my really tight muscles have so much more softness and range of motion from getting the trauma out!
As far as relationships are concerned, the biggest cause of problems is actually FEMININE wounding. So many women want more from their partner and blame their partner for not doing xyz. When in actuality, regardless of the masculine's trauma, the feminine resolving her trauma is actually what causes the biggest shift in the relationship dynamic. When the feminine can stand in her own body feeling safe, loved, supported, calm, inspired and alive...the masculine responds accordingly!!
I've experienced random male individual's heads jerking in my direction involuntarily when I'm radiating my feminine energy. If a masculine isn't doing what you want, look to your OWN energy for the proper resolution.
Depleted feminines find themselves cranky, hurt, snippy, demanding, sulking, etc. This is not EVER something you need to experience. And the shift does NOT happen in someone else. It happens in YOU.
Don't keep attracting situations, people, clients, romantic partners and money experiences you don't want! Learn to remove this from your system and REVIVE! Literally, come back to LIFE!
You don't have to live in depletion, you don't have to be hurt by what your partner says to you in your current energy, you do not have to deal with making money in ways that don't feel right to you.
Let's all Revive together so we can be healthy Feminines on this planet and show our families and this world what a feminine worth honoring looks and feels like!
Available for streaming in my membership group Relationship Mastery.